("Quid coniuratio est?")
Welcome to the World of
Here begins several reports from the October 1996 issue of Rumor Mill News. Let me start by saying I now know who the chief editor of this news outlet is and, as I often say, this person is "not a lightweight."
Readers will be hearing a lot from this alternative news outlet for awhile, so "chin up" and "hunker down." Undoubtedly a few whiners will send messages saying that "we" are "tired of Rumor Mill News." This has happened in the past with Mr. Skolnick's articles, when persons calling themselves "we" demanded I send out something different, "or else." But then, during Mr. Skolnick's dry spells, I began to get messages from "we" complaining "Where's Sherman Skolnick? Why aren't you sending out his stuff lately? 'We' want Skolnick!"
What it means is, you can't please everybody, so why try? Here is the first of several Rumor Mill News items.
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We started our News Agency in June of 1996. It was created as an attempt to take the truth to a wider audience. From the responses we have received, our attempt has been successful.
Some of the most important pieces of news only run one time on CNN or are buried at the back of newspapers. Our News Hounds scour all the news outlets seeking the buried pieces of important news that allow our readers to understand the big picture.
In addition to RMNews Hounds, we have RMNews Sources. These Sources are many of the same ones that are quoted by the major news outlets. However, RMNews does not edit their stories, nor do we only print part of their information. Our Sources are part of governments around the world. Here in the United States, they are in all branches of government, both elected and appointed. They come from the military and the intelligence communities. And they all know that if they supply us with a news tip, it will get printed, as they wrote it... sometimes... even with the mistakes.
In addition, we are supplied with stories by reporters whose own news outlets are afraid to print or air them, or who choose to censor the stories because they reflect badly on the owners of the major news networks.
We have chosen a tabloid approach because today's media style turns most people off. Even though we try to stick to the tabloid style, every now and then the story is so overwhelming in scope or human tragedy, that the tabloid style is inappropriate.
We at Rumor Mill News feel that our own information is about as close to the real Truth as you are going to get here in the United States. In case you haven't noticed, the major media keeps us dumbed down as to what is really going on in the world. The only way the American people and the people of the world are going to retain their God-given freedoms is to wake up and realize that there IS a conspiracy to steal our freedom and make us slaves.
RMNews is read by conspiracy newcomers and old hacks. It is read by other news outlets and current and retired intelligence officers. These people know that our information is as current and as accurate as it gets.
We call our stories rumors because we do not have the time or the money to defend them as legitimate news.
As you will see, when we make mistakes or rush to print too soon, we make clarifications or offer Rumor Retractions. Our ego is not involved here, only the truth.
You will see, as you read this issue of Rumor Mill News, that we are a work in progress. Maybe with time, effort, and money, we can evolve into a full fledged news magazine. That is our goal. Thank you for your support of Rumor Mill News.
RMNews Agency
PO Box 1784
Aptos, CA 95001-1784
Message Center Phone: 408-699-4135
RMNews is published by RMN Publishing
Ru Mills, Editor
The June/July/August issues of RMNews are now available for $10.00. Monthly issues are $5.00 and mailed at the end of each month. At the moment we are not offering yearly subscriptions, but stay with us, maybe someday we will! [CN: caveat emptor.]
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I encourage distribution of "Conspiracy Nation."
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