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("Quid coniuratio est?")
Item: Washington Times National Weekly Edition (05/19/96) has an
article ("NATO Sees U.S. Staying in Bosnia") which points to "a
continued American role" in Bosnia even after Bill Clinton's
promised 1-year limit is reached in December 1996. The decision
to extend the Ifor (Implementation Force) mission will reportedly
be made "several weeks after the Nov. 5 U.S. election."
This confirms what was suggested in a London Telegraph
article of March 22, 1996. In that article, the Telegraph hinted
that "the Dayton accords, which committed all parties to
preserving the integrity of Bosnia as a multi-ethnic nation, are
meaningless." In other words, if our troops leave in December,
the fighting will resume. (See CN 7.51)
Two puzzles: (1) Why are we getting so little "news"
coverage on the networks about Bosnia? (2) Why was Bill Clinton
in such a huge hurry to put U.S. troops there?
The answer to the second question may involve Balkan Oil. The
May 20, 1996 Spotlight newspaper has a short paragraph on page 2
which says, in part, that "Bosnian officials are convinced that
their country sits on its own untapped oil fields -- which were
surveyed by major oil firms under the auspices of the World Bank
back in 1992. The results of the survey have since vanished from
the Ministry of Energy in Sarajevo."
Item: The May 20th Spotlight also says that they now have their
own web page:
Item: Mind control. This is one of several big stories I have
been unable to cover in depth. There is so much going on that is
not being allowed on the major networks nor into the major
newspapers and magazines, I wish I could cover it all but I
can't. Jon Rappoport has a book out on the subject ("US
Government Mind Control Experiments On Children") which is
available by ordering from him. ($25 total cost. Write to him
at 2633 Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 256, Santa Monica, California
90405. caveat emptor)
To those of you wandering in to Conspiracy Nation from the
dominant paradigm -- i.e. the "Three Stooges", Peter, Dan and Tom
of respectively ABC, CBS and NBC "News" -- this subject may seem
"way out". But those who have read into the matter a bit are
forced to see that this sickening practice of government
sponsored mind control has indeed been going on -- and is even
more upsetting than what is hinted at here. I hope to post an
old "Conspiracy for the Day" soon which provides more info.
Item: I recommend the recorded message Sherman Skolnick is
currently (May 14, 1996) running. I hope to transcribe it soon
and post same, but in case I can't get to it phone 312-731-1100
to hear among other things portions of Skolnick's interview with
John DeCamp.
DeCamp, by the way, is the author of The Franklin Cover-Up:
Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. This book gives
further corroboration of the mind control scandal mentioned
Item: I received an anonymous letter, postmarked New York City,
May 2, 1996, this past week. I will include portions below. I
have no idea how much credibility to give it, but I pass along
portions and let you judge for yourself.
Dear Mr. Redman:
I think you should be made aware of a few things
regarding the Colby disappearance.
- The event occurred only a few weeks after James
Davidson had a bizarre stroke which he supposedly describes
in his latest issue. Both James [Davidson] and Colby were
editors of Strategic Investment, which has been out front on
OKC [bombing(s)], Ron Brown and Vince Foster. Another
editor, Jack Wheeler, is reported to have predicted in print
that Clinton will not be on the ticket and will be
blackmailed or persuaded into not running for President
(Clinton has not announced yet either, which is peculiar).
[CN -- Nor has he announced a replacement for Ron Brown at
Commerce Dept. nor do we have a Surgeon General.]
- A friend of mine recently had dinner with a CFR
[Council on Foreign Relations] member who reportedly seemed
surveillance conscious at the time. He confided that
everyone on the inside knows that Vince Foster was murdered,
and he believes that some astounding developments are
imminent (criminal indictments for one) which will derail
- Reliable sources, including the CFR member, indicate
that the 1996 election might somehow be disrupted or
postponed! FEMA has been given cabinet status and is now
headed by an old Arkansas crony of Bill's. Turf wars are
breaking out left and right as FEMA is assuming roles
normally assumed by other departments, such as the Department
of Agriculture. BTW, notice how Clinton is manipulating
commodity markets with strategic oil sales and government
purchases of beef. Some think that commodity players are
blackmailing Clinton and he is doing these crazy maneuvers to
pay them off with front-running opportunities. Others just
think that Hillary is trading commodities again!
- Immediately subsequent to the Ron Brown assassination,
members of Clinton's own party decided that he had gone too
far and was carrying too much baggage to be electable despite
the polls which indicate he is leading Dole... Pressure is
being applied to get him to step down. Will the ultimate
nominee be Jay Rockefeller?
- Some in the Republican party want Dole to step down
- Colby's disappearance was made public a few days
before BELTANE, the meanest satanic holiday in the black
magic calendar. [CN -- Confirmed. See Out of Darkness by
David K. Sakheim & Susan E. Devine.] Why is this important?
Colby was commissioned by the Nebraska legislature to
investigate the death of a Mr. Gary Caradori. According to a
book written by Senator DeCamp called The Franklin Cover-Up
there really was/is a network of satanists in Nebraska and
elsewhere. The whole book ties a sleazy pedophile named
Larry King [CN -- NOT the talk show host on CNN; this is a
different Larry King] in with the CIA, George Bush, Warren
Buffet (a real scarey guy and not at all what he seems to be)
and the whole political establishment. READ THE PREFACE TO
THE BOOK. It is positively EERIE in light of Colby's death.
If you do you will know why Colby had to go. The Beltane
connection gave the killing a signature which may indicate
the actual killers were Satanist OR more likely the signature
was faked to create a backup layer of disinfo in case the
Nebraska connection ever came out in the press. (Remember
the attempt to pin OKC on Waco with the anniversary date?)
Looks like Colby was supposed to get DeCamp to back off, but
instead encouraged him to spill the beans! Colby was a real
loose cannon who crossed Bush/Clinton and probably had the
goods on both. He was reported to be about to come forward
with info on Clinton which given Colby's stature would have
been believed and blown Bush/Clinton away. When a former
head of CIA gets murdered the stakes have to be enormous. I
deal with Ivy League white men every day, and killing another
member of the establishment is considered pretty tacky no
matter how serious the grievances.
Also, may God bless Mr. Colby, his family, and other
countless patriots who have died defending the Constitution
against all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9