Correction: In CN 7.86 it was stated that Pres. Clinton had not yet chosen a new Commerce Secretary. This is erroneous. Mickey Kantor was chosen as the new Commerce Secretary. CN regrets the error.

Also one reader disputes the statement that Beltane is a satanic holiday. She says it is a Wiccan holiday.

An article published in the book Out of Darkness by David K. Sakheim & Susan E. Devine ("Satanic Beliefs and Practices" by Martin H. Katchen, M.A. and David K. Sakheim, Ph.D.) has, in its Appendix A, a list of "Commonly Reported Satanic Holidays". Among those listed is Beltane, May 1st or the first full moon of Taurus.

I fully expect said reader to argue the point further. However to any and all, I suggest that if you wish to argue one of the many controversial areas covered by Conspiracy Nation that you do it in the public forum "alt.conspiracy". CN goes out to many hundreds of readers. To expect me to take the time to debate each and every one individually, via e-mail, is obviously impossible for me.

I say this as a public response to the many persons sending me e-mail who may be expecting that I will answer their arguments on an individual basis. If you are wondering why I haven't got back to you, I hope you can see from the above that the logistics are impossible.

I hope to see you in "alt.conspiracy"!

Brian Redman | | ftp pub/users/bigred Editor-in-Chief | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418---------------- Conspiracy Nation | "The perfect slave thinks he's free."