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("Quid coniuratio est?")
Thanks to the many readers who have passed along info on the recent crash of the "Ron Brown plane" in the former Yugoslavia. I summarize below what has come my way so far. I offer this info with the caveat that much of it has not yet been double-checked by yours truly.
Brown may have died on the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. To those wondering what the significance may be, there is at least some indication that CIA and CIA-employed assassins favor symbolism to surround their dirty work. For example, Dave Emory has gone into this use of symbolism in some of his lectures.
It is reported that U.S. Air Force Squadron Commander, Lt. Col. James Albright, who was responsible for the T-43 jet in which Ron Brown crashed, was known to be adamant about not allowing T-43s to fly in bad weather. Only five days before Ron Brown was killed in the crash of the T-43 flying in bad weather, Col. Albright was relieved of his command reportedly because he refused to allow T-43s to fly in unsafe conditions.
U.S. and Croatian authorities disclosed that the maintenance chief for the navigation's system at the airport where Brown's plane was headed committed suicide Saturday. ("Suicides" aren't always what they're said to be; sometimes murders are disguised as "suicides".)
A reader sent an article from "the Twin Cities papers", dated April 5, 1996 (page A16): "Andrew recounts eerie praise of Brown". The article says that a member of Minnesota's Democratic Party, Mark Andrew, was in the White House on the morning of April 3rd.
"The eerie part about the meeting is that the president waxed eloquent about Ron Brown, unprompted," Andrew said. Andrew says he was taking notes and that "After the meeting ended at about 10:30, Eastern Time, we were standing at the door and there were about two of us in the room with the president... and two of his staff people came in and said [about the plane crash]."
An e-mail I received contained info purportedly from a group called "National Vietnam P.O.W. Strike Force." It is alleged that:
Sherman Skolnick, the Chicago-based investigator, adds that "Apparently, the plane broke up over an area of some 17 square miles. Which is unlikely for crashes of an airplane."
I asked if it were true that some of the wreckage was in the sea, and some on the mountain. "Right," replied Mr. Skolnick. "And further than that, different pictures show a piece of the fuselage which was up on the hill was moved, turned around in the other direction -- probably for the purposes of trying to cover up sabotage."
I encourage distribution of "Conspiracy Nation."
See also:
See also: ftp pub/users/bigred