Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 3 Num. 76

("Quid coniuratio est?")


Tom Valentine had as a guest on Radio Free America (Shortwave, 5.065 MHz, mon-fri, 9 pm cst) on February 1, 1995, Nick Ashton of Citizens for Honest Government. Here is an excerpt.

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All right, we are back live and I've invited Nick Ashton to come aboard for just a few minutes and catch us up on some things that are very important out here about our President, Bill Clinton.

And I guess, Nick, the two things that you guys are really right on: When are we going to hear something in the major media about indictments, and who do you think's gonna be indicted?

Well, I think it is gonna be very, very soon indeed. Because for the first time... Mr. Starr is holding, of course, grand jury hearings -- has been since the 5th of January -- regarding the death of Vince Foster. But I think, more carefully, he is holding back on some indictments, because more information is coming forth, through Webster Hubbell. Webb Hubbell just accepting the two felony charges certainly negotiated a better [unclear] for himself. And I think it's very soon indeed. There's been a lot of movement in Arkansas and a lot of movement in Washington. A lot of discussion, a lot of witnesses. And I believe it's building up into the next 2 or 3 weeks.

But, Tom, I would like, if I may, to give you a little bit of a bombshell -- if I may.

I love a bombshell.
You keep up to date with everything, and we've been working very, very hard indeed for the last three-and-a-half weeks, going through 1500 pages of documents. You remember the 1982-1984 campaign funds [records] of Bill Clinton disappeared? Completely disappeared.
The campaign funds [records] of the Governor.
You got it.

I can tell you this: that we have the original copies of [the records from] that campaign fund.

You found the original copies of Bill Clinton's missing campaign fund?!
That's right. We gave copies, 2 days ago, [unclear] to the FBI (so that we are keeping on the up and up). We've been going through and matching names, and looking at the connections. And the one big thing that we have found: in 1982, Bill Clinton gave himself $120,000 into his campaign. Bill Clinton didn't loan it, he put $120,000 into his own campaign.
Well according to this history that we've been gettin', he didn't have a dime in those days.
You got it. So where did he get the money? [CN -- I'm sure Clinton, skilled liar that he is, will come up with some kind of story.] And if we cover it all the way through... And, as you know, these reports are on a 10-day and on a 30-day basis, they have to be filed. He never loaned himself the money; it wasn't a loan, it was physical cash that went in there. And it seems like Mr. Clinton suddenly came up with some cash. We have got those documents. We are going to release those documents, not this Friday but Friday week, or thereabouts. We are waiting for the FBI to speak with us. And I don't think a few people are very, very happy.

And [unclear] I'm speaking for the second time today. I was on another program, nationally, where we were in arguments with David Brock. You have heard of Mr. Brock?

Yes! You mentioned that! What about this little argument with Mr. Brock?
Mr. Brock wrote an article in Forbes' Media Critic magazine, which is an obscure magazine put out by Forbes. And [he] absolutely slated [i.e., dismissed] The Clinton Chronicles and tried to say it was unsubstantiated evidence within it, and questioned many things. The biggest problem David Brock did -- he thinks he's a Washington insider, and names everything, and puts himself on a pedestal, as if "I know everything there is to know, and if I don't know it, it's not worth knowing."

Well now we know he's a little liar. We caught him in this. We have corrected him. We have taken him down a couple of pegs.

Because [unclear] Tom, just like The Spotlight, you guys have been following things. I'm glad to see that you come up with the same stuff we do. In other words, when there's two of us out there, and we do come up with the same corroborative evidence, then I'm very pleased. Because it shows we are on the same track.

Now the Citizens for Better Government [sic] are responsible for The Clinton Chronicles, are they not?
Yeah. And also the book, of course. And The Intelligence Files. And coming out this month we have a new video, called "The Death of Vince Foster: What Really Happened?"

And Tom, I appreciate folks like you, that are not frightened to speak out. Because many people say, "How can people be saying this if it's not true?" And this, I think, is very important. People are ready to listen, and absorb, and be made more aware. That's what Citizens for Honest Government is doing.

I think the truth is so glaring, I can't see how people can not see it. In fact, here's The Washington Post, afraid to bring out a story, for some reason. [CN -- See next Conspiracy Nation, Vol. 3 Num. 77, for details.]
I cringe. Because when Ambrose [Evans-Pritchard] told me about this, I [unclear]. He said, "Nick, the contract was signed. They were paying the biggest money ever to the two who had written the story and had put it in the Sunday Outlook, about a 4,000 word article."
Dr. Roger Morris and Sally Denton have done a lot of investigating on Mena, Arkansas. And it was gonna finally come out. And not just Clinton, but Bush and Reagan too!
Absolutely. And Ed Meese is in there. Oliver North is in there. A lot of folks.

But you see, you've gotta understand something: there is another agenda within the political parties. And that is, they want to keep Clinton in until the election of next year! Because they feel that he's a man they can beat at the election and at the ballot box. And they're absolutely wrong! He's known as "the comeback kid"!! If you have a chance to de- rail the President now because he is a scoundrel, and you've got the information, I believe you go ahead with it! You don't hold back!! You're holding back on the people of this nation!

That may be. But I want to de-rail more than Bill and Hillary Clinton. I want to de-rail that whole bunch of PAC people behind him.
There's a lot of people there, Tom.
There are. These fat cats. The "immaculate they", I call 'em. And they've had their run of manipulating for a long, long time. And we're the "manipulatees" and I don't like it.
That is so true. And we are making people aware, and that's why the Citizens for Honest Government is out there, as the alternate media.
Where, briefly, how do they reach Citizens for Honest Government?
They can join us by calling 1-800-471-0873. You can become a member of our organization. [CN -- No cost to join.]
I've gotta run. But Nick, you're free. Thank you very much. Excellent report. I'll give out that number again.

Nick Ashton. I'm Tom Valentine, Radio Free America.


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Brian Francis Redman "The Big C"

Coming to you from Illinois -- "The Land of Skolnick"