Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 2 Num. 95

("Quid coniuratio est?")

Mena, Arkansas -- Joliet, Illinois

I received the following outline from Mr. Sherman Skolnick of the Citizens Committee to Clean-up the Courts in Chicago. Mr. Skolnick apparently used this outline as a guide during his cable TV show "Broadside" on November 7, 1994.

Note that in the following I have no direct knowledge as to the veracity of Mr. Skolnick's et al. claims; I can say that I believe that Mr. Skolnick is telling the truth as he sees it after careful and thorough investigation.

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I. Dope shipments: cocaine to the Mena Airport, Ark., "China

White" to Joliet, Illinois. Similar entities involved.

  1. Ten-year battle by IRS Investigator William C. Duncan to try to expose massive cocaine shipments by CIA pilots to Mena Airport, and money laundering by Arkansas financial entities.
  2. Involvement of Ark. Governor Bill Clinton, George Bush (as vice pres., later pres.) and Ollie North, and Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Vincent Foster, Jr., of Rose Law firm, arranging deals with bond brokers, banks, and others.
  3. CIA pilot Terry Reed's book, "Compromised" details what happened.
  4. Clinton, as president, tries belated whitewash, 10/94, when questioned by White House correspondent Sarah McClendon. "Was he told as Arkansas governor?" she asked. "No," the president replied, "they didn't tell me anything about it." The alleged events "were primarily a matter for federal jurisdiction." (probably meaning CIA) {Wall Street Journal, "The Mena Coverup", 10/18/94 (next to editorial)}.

II. Arkansas -- money laundering entities, dope and weapons.

  1. Arkansas Development Finance Authority, issuing bonds and other instruments and disguising cocaine proceeds.
  2. Bond brokers, including Dan Lasater (tied with cocaine to Clinton's brother). Lasater's partner, Patsy Thomasson, later becomes White House secretary to White House aide Vincent Foster, Jr. She reportedly removed his records after his "suicide" (murder) transferring them to Chicago for blackmail purposes.
  3. Bond brokers Stephens, Little Rock and Atlanta, and worldwide, largest outside of Wall Street
  4. Arkansas banks awash with dope cash, offering loans nationwide at low rates. Stephens family's Worthen Banking Co., and others.
  5. Suspected recipients of cocaine cash: nationwide expansion of Arkansas-based Wal-Mart.
  6. Arkansas money laundries tied to fake Dept. of Agriculture deals for Iraq, via Banca Nazionale Delavoro, Atlanta.

III. Dope shipments to Joliet, Illinois, escalate in 1986, just

     before Iran-Contra exposure right after '86 Congressional 
  1. 1986, then-Illinois Governor Jim Thompson and Robert Tezak gang make trip to mainland China, supposedly to arrange first major Chinese-owned industrial facility for U.S., in Joliet, Ill., soybean and soybean curd processing plant -- actually to facilitate "China White" shipments. Some of the Chinese technicians coming to Joliet are top operatives of Tewu, the Chinese Secret Service.
  2. Thompson as agent for Rockefeller-owned First National Bank of Chicago. Bank concerned about huge loans they made to mainland China on promise of getting payment through "gold" in Western remote provinces of China. Gold a mirage. Payments would have to be from superior narcotic, bringing huge price, "China White", heroin.
  3. Highly secret U.S. Treasury unit investigating Joliet money laundering, dope and bribery money, since 1983.
  4. Tewu: great difficulty to penetrate by CIA and NSA. Only one defector to West over the years. Uses secret dialects to communicate. (One of the few in CIA on China desk, former Cook County State's Attorney, Bernard Carey.) CIA and NSA invoke so-called "national security", attempting to shut down Treasury probe. Secret Treasury unit refuses, later turns over raw material records to public-interest investigating group.
  5. "China White" coming in through barges up waterway from New Orleans, up the DesPlaines River, past Moose Island, owned by Robert Tezak and his business partner, auto dealer John Bays; also by planes into Joliet Municipal Airport, Lansing, Illinois Airport, and Pewaukee Airport (Prospect Heights, northwest suburb of Chicago site of wife Roxanne Bays' Ramada Inn and site of headquarters of Household International. The motel reportedly owned previously by gangster; relative of same currently motel bookkeeper.)
  6. "China White" also apparently coming in through Asian- produced items for Tezak's firm, International Games, Inc., headquartered Joliet, Cayman Islands, and Hong Kong. Tezak often travels to Orient in his plane. One of his planes, ownership disguised through nominee, seized with huge load of cocaine in Florida about 1986.
  7. More Tewu: Chinese Secret Police in U.S. started heavily after Korean War, did unpublicized sabotage in U.S. during Korean War. Currently, approximately 2400 accredited diplomats from mainland China in U.S. Of these, some 350 are actively engaged in espionage and facilitating "China White" shipments to U.S. Also with Tewu, in U.S. several thousand resident aliens or actually naturalized Chinese scientists and lab technicians and similar. [CN -- Also there are no doubt many fine and decent persons of Chinese descent currently residing in the U.S.]

IV. Robert Tezak Gang, closely aligned with former Ill. Governor

Jim Thompson, George Bush, Dan K. Webb, and Anton R. Valukas.

  1. Tezak's card game company, International Games, Inc., One Uno Circle, Joliet, and Cayman Islands, and Hong Kong.
  2. Tezak also owned auto racing ventures: UNO/Shierson, Adrian, Michigan and UNO/Granatelli, Phoenix, Arizona, with Vince Granatelli. Tezak also owns 2 radio stations in Joliet. Jointly with John Bays, Tezak owned Moose Island.
  3. Tezak's attorney since about 1979, Dan K. Webb. Webb reportedly represented Tezak and then John Bays, even while Webb was U.S. attorney in Chicago (1981-85).
  4. CPA for International Games, Inc., McGladrey, Hendrickson, & Pullen, Joliet, same CPA for the banks and other entities reportedly involved in laundering "China White" funds and funds for bribing state and federal officials.
  5. Directors of International Games, Inc., interlocked with Pullman Bank & Trust, other Heritage Banks, such as Heritage Bank of Crest Hill (near Joliet)
  6. "China White" and bribery apparatus: records in building,

    called Moose Building, owned by Tezak's partner John Bays.

  7. Private Industry Council, located in Moose Building, Joliet, had records of money laundering apparatus, that included state and federal "loan" and subsidy records.
    1. U.S. Small Business Administration. From about 1982 to 1989, key role in SBA matters handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Gail C. Ginsburg, wife of Robert E. Ginsburg. Robert E. Ginsburg worked directly as special counsel to OSS/CIA operator Bill Casey. From 1977 to 1985, Ginsberg was chief fixer, purported bagman, as "Of Counsel" to reported CIA law firm in Chicago Heights, Illinois, Anthony Scariano Sr. and gang. Scariano trained for OSS work, 1943, on island off Italy. He and his special unit in charge of Italian gold treasury. The massive gold horde disappeared with Scariano; the OSS Major in charge was murderd by other unit members because the Major was believed to be ready to turn over gold to Italian left-wing partisans. "Tony" survived five civil and military tribunals from 1944 to 1956. Years later, members of that unit told Skolnick that Tony stole the gold and bribed his way clear. Gold, they said, was to be used by Mafia in U.S. to bribe public officials.
    2. Robert E. Ginsberg, from 1986 to date, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, Chicago. Often sent by Chief Bankruptcy Judge John D. Schwartz to hold court in federal building in Joliet. Judge Ginsberg, with fellow judges, covered up massive illicit funds funneled through fake bankrupt estate cases. Judge Ginsberg and others assisted by John E. Gierum, attorney from Park Ridge, N.W. Chicago suburb. Gierum was U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee for Joliet and was assisted by his attorney associate, Forrest L. Ingram, [a] Jesuit who from time to time went to Holland to teach at a law school there. Gierum, Ingram, and Barton Kalish worked in same law office as associates of one another. Kalish was head of a reputed money laundry; a toy company from Taiwan, yet with head office in Chicago.

[ be continued...]

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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt. Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9

Brian Francis Redman "The Big C"

"Justice" = "Just us" = "History is written by the assassins."