("Quid coniuratio est?")
We're back. Tom Donahue, "America's Town Forum", patriotism in
Terry Reed, John Cummings, the authors of Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA -- How the presidency was co-opted by the CIA.
And gentlemen, I have to admit I wish I had the time to read 550 pages of small, fine print that's in this book, and all the documentation. I didn't. I've scanned it. Some day I will [read it.] I highly recommend it though.
Great. If I could just finish with that one thought here, Tom,
about why Clinton may have done this: You know, certainly, if he
assumed power and became Governor, he had a full agenda of
trying to turn that state around. And certainly, if he wanted, if
he had this secret ambition all along to become President, he had
a lot of work cut out for him. He had to build an industrial base
and literally drag Arkansas up into the 20th century. And I think
one way he did that is by, through cooperation with the CIA --
which we get into deeply in the book, about the money laundering
aspects and actually government, certain industries, getting
involved in the manufacturing of weapons components.
So anyway, with that said, I'd like you to talk to John [Cummings]. John's a great journalist and came to me, hounded me for 2 years, to do this book. And I finally gave in. And, but John's responsible for forcing me to sit down and put this thing together with him. So...
So you had weapons procurement, and assembly and manufacture. You had the transportation of those weapons. You had the contra pilot training, that I was involved in. And later I discovered that Seal was flying back in cash, in large quantities, on his way back in from Central America.
That's what I saw, were those elements.
Now later on in the book, when I get down into Mexico and get on the other end of the pipeline -- I was on the receiving end of the pipeline up in Arkansas, and certainly those operations that I just outlined were very compartmentalized, and not a lot of overlap in personnel, with the exception of probably me. Because of my background in manufacturing, I was able to sort of get an overview of 3 facets of the operation. But once I went down to Mexico: Yes. I came head to head with the fact that the people that had sent me down there were trafficking heavily in cocaine. That resulted in me divorcing myself from this entire thing. And I think it's what's been causing me a lot of pain and suffering ever since.
We're gonna come back, and bring John Cummings into the mix. The book is Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA. Don't go away. Back in seconds.
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John, how'd you get involved with Terry Reed? And, it's a mammoth book. I know you're a prolific writer, an award-winning writer. You worked for Newsday and you've authored or penned several books.
Well. I came to Terry, following a trail that really started
many, many years ago, when I, as a very young reporter, was
assigned to cover Cuba and the Cuban exile machinations which
climaxed in the Bay of Pigs. And in the course of observing this
in Florida, I watched the CIA co-opt local officials and even the
Governor at the time, in Florida, to make sure that their
operations were not interfered with and that they could operate
with impunity.
And so I came to this gradually, knowing, you know, what the telltale signs were.
[...to be continued...]
I encourage distribution of "Conspiracy Nation."
"Justice" = "Just us" = "History is written by the assassins."