("Quid coniuratio est?")
The July 11, 1994 issue of the For the People News Reporter carries a reprint of an article which first appeared in the Peninsula News, serving Houghton and Keweenaw, Michigan, during the week of June 12, 1994.
The article, bearing the headline "Stupak Confirms Presence of 'Classified' Black Copters But Others Suspect World Government Conspiracy," reports that U.S. Representative Bart Stupak (D - Menominee) has confirmed the presence of black helicopters in the region. Yet, according to the article, "followers of a radio talk show host [Chuck Harder] are convinced the choppers are on a more sinister mission."
Many local residents have reported seeing mysterious black, unmarked, low-flying helicopters, according to the article.
The article claims that Harder and his listeners have two theories to explain the phenomena: (1) The world is being taken over, with U.S. cooperation, by a new internationalist regime run by the United Nations and the Trilateral Commission, and (2) similar to theory number 1, but with UFOs and aliens as an additional element.
The article, in the Peninsula News, pooh-poohs these theories. Representative Stupak "says the helicopters are military aircraft, and that's nothing new and nothing to worry about."
The article proposes that these mysterious helicopters are perhaps UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, perhaps Cobra gunship helicopters, perhaps Canadian helicopters, perhaps FEMA helicopters "looking for underwater water and sewer line breaks," perhaps "Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team (UPSET)" helicopters, and/or perhaps mining company helicopters.
The article closes with a sort of "by the way," "not to worry," apparently incidental aside: "This week, 1,600 soldiers from Michigan National Guard Engineer units will be in northern Michigan... to perform road, trail, culvert and bridge construction work for various government agencies."
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by Chuck Harder
Host of the For the People talk show
Fax to:
Mr. Don Weeks, Editor
Peninsula News
Houghton, Michigan
I would appreciate this response running on the front page where your inaccurate portrayal was printed. Please provide a tear sheet to:
Chuck Harder
3 River Street
White Springs, FL 32096
Let me know if there is a charge for postage. Thanks.
Dear Mr. Weeks:
On June 12, 1994, you painted a rather biased and inaccurate picture of me in an article on your front page. What follows is my response:
Yes, we do get a lot of calls about the "black helicopters." Here in Florida, for example, several farmers have complained to their members of Congress that unmarked helicopters are buzzing and hovering over livestock barns and causing losses. Other folks want to know why these aircraft are flying in a menacing fashion over their private land.
Pictures have arrived in our office from across the USA.
To my knowledge, the one and only statement that I have made about black helicopters is the one regarding a call to the FAA air traffic control center at Jacksonville, Florida. At that time, I was quickly transferred to a complaint office. The man on duty took my report, said he had had other such reports, and said the helicopters could not be tracked, as they fly too low. I then asked about what they are, and he stated, "a covert activity."
That is the only thing I have stated on-the-air as a fact. I have told people over and over, like a broken record, that I have no other information and am waiting for Congressman Pete Peterson to respond to our inquiry.
Yes, we get calls on all kinds of subjects and concepts. But don't confuse what a caller says with what I say. In fact, our programs all stem from press clippings from papers like yours, or some thirty or more wire services that we have access to.
We also have full reprint rights to UPI and Knight- Ridder/Tribune. Much of the stuff we talk about comes from the Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, or New York Times. We have computer access to almost every major publication in print via Compuserve, Prodigy, and America On Line. We read several major papers such as The New York Times each day via electronic computer links. Our press wires come via satellite and PressLink. We're hardly the lunatic fringe you portray us to be.
Many books have been written about the, "shadow government" that guides the White House. It is true that policies outlined and suggested by the Trilateral Commission and Council On Foreign Relations have historically been adopted routinely by the administrations since at least Jimmy Carter, if not before. And yes, Clinton, Bush, and Carter were, or are, members. These groups serve as a "Chamber of Commerce" for the ultra rich industrialists and the world's elite. Our concern is that the everyday citizen has no voice, input, or real opportunity to balance their doctrines and goals that, historically, become law and official U.S. policy.
One can check much of the above by simply reading the magazine, Foreign Affairs, which is on deposit in most libraries. Look back to April 1974, page 556. In that issue is the article, "The Hard Road To World Order," by Richard Gardner (U.S. Ambassador) that sets out the blueprint as to how the internationalists plan to virtually eliminate the power of the United States Constitution. Their plans for "A New World Order" are carefully laid out and one sees that we, the citizens, will no longer be in control. Subsequent issues have provided "Policy Guidance" that has been adopted by various administrations for decades. Fact is, NOBODY elected those people to run the country.
The most recent example is Most Favored Nation (MFN) trade status for Red China.
Columnist Abe Rosenthal at the New York Times was shocked that Clinton would renew MFN for China and do such a horrible thing. We told Abe that we expected it. It was all there on page 71 and 72 of the Triangle Papers: #45, published by the Trilateral Commission of New York.
David Rockefeller and his power group instructed the White House to renew MFN and not link it to "Human Rights." Further it was said that China should be a charter member of the General Agreement On Trade and Tariffs (GATT), and the new World Trade Organization (WTO).
The WTO will play a powerful role in the economies of the world by regulating the flow of capital and goods. Further, the United Nations has outlined plans for world gun control and for disarming the average citizen.
The U.N. also proposes that citizens of the world earning above $10,000 yearly will pay a tax to them in addition to present Federal, State, and Local taxes.
Interested readers may find these items using computer retrieval with programs such as; Dialog, I-Quest, Lexis, AP, or UPI. Those who do not have computers may visit the library and use the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. One might also look up the various articles printed in Canadian publications, warning citizens of that country about the power of such self-appointed groups.
There is no need for you to take a cheap shot at me via misquotes attributed to a listener. The fact is that we employ two Ph.D.'s who do our research in addition to the sources mentioned above.
If we were lying we would have been sued time and time again, reaching back to 1987 due to our national and international reach. So far, no lawsuits!
Chuck Harder
People's Radio Network
P.S. The New York Times ran two serious articles about UFOs in their Sunday magazine on March 21, and again last Sunday. A trip to the library may be in order.
For the People News Reporter (A Biweekly Newspaper) Subscription rates: 12 months (26 issues) $19 USA / $50 Overseas 3 River Street, White Springs, FL 32096 Visa/Mastercard Phone: 1-800-888-9999
I encourage distribution of "Conspiracy Nation."
"Justice" = "Just us" = "History is written by the assassins."