It becomes clear, after little research, that Prince Albert II of Monaco voted for Sochi, a city in Russia, to host the Winter Olympics in 2014.
Following the vote, Albert was quoted as saying that Sochi "appealed" to members.
"There was originality in the bid," Albert proclaimed.
From A Royal April Fool:
The New Russian presence in Monaco began with Prince Albert’s trek to the Russian side of the North Pole, when Russia agreed to assist his party’s luxury expedition with logistical support and a landing base, Camp Arctichesky. This evolved into a state dinner at the Kremlin hosted by Vladimir PUTIN to climax the excursion—and a burgeoning relationship between the Prince’s senior aide-de-camp and General Vladimir PRONICHEV, Commander of the Federal Border Guards.
Shortly after the Prince and his gang returned home, the Russians offered to construct a dacha (second home) from scratch on the grounds of Roc Agel, Prince Albert’s private estate in the French Alps behind Monaco.
Their offer was accepted—and a team of Russian builders soon arrived to bang the split-level cottage into place, with nary a word in Monaco’s news media.
Shortly after the Prince and his gang returned home, the Russians offered to construct a dacha (second home) from scratch on the grounds of Roc Agel, Prince Albert’s private estate in the French Alps behind Monaco.
Their offer was accepted—and a team of Russian builders soon arrived to bang the split-level cottage into place, with nary a word in Monaco’s news media.