LIE # 1: Thierry Lacoste and the Monaco Palace announced on 6 November that Monaco is suing Eringer in Los Angeles for defamation.
The Truth: Monaco is NOT suing Eringer. Eringer is suing Monaco. Monaco is not likely to sue Eringer because such a lawsuit would subject Prince Albert to the legal processes (discovery, deposition, trial appearance) he wishes to evade by invoking head-of-state immunity. Presumably, this lie was told in an attempt to curb media attention in Europe. (It did not work.)
LIE # 2: An announcement from Monaco's Palace that the Monaco Intelligence Service (MIS) never existed.
The Truth: MIS did indeed exist as an entity to the Prince. Albert knew and approved its existence in that name; MIS cultivated liaison relationships with twenty foreign intelligence services, all of which knew it by that name. So what are they saying—that their boss, the Sovereign Prince, ran an illegal operation?
LIE # 3: Thierry Lacoste announced that Eringer was in Monaco “only two or three times a year.”
The Truth: Eringer had regular meetings with Albert in Monaco (and elsewhere), often weekly, sometimes daily. Eringer’s visits to Monaco were so frequent his passport needed twenty-four extra pages for Immigration stamping in and out of Nice-Cote d’Azur Airport!
LIE # 4: Lacoste told a magazine interviewer that Eringer was "fired for passing bad information."
The Truth: Eringer was Prince Albert's spymaster for five-and-a-half years. During that time, Albert never complained once about the quality or accuracy of intelligence provided by Eringer. However, Lacoste complained after Eringer briefed the Prince on Lacoste's activities.
LIE # 5: Eringer's desire to be paid is "extortion."
The Truth: Extortion is a crime. If Albert's fancy New York lawyer believes a crime has been committed, he should call the police. Defense lawyers are paid handsomely to eruct such drivel. No crime has been committed. This is a straightforward employment dispute. Over 18 months ago a law firm representing Eringer sent a letter to Albert pointing out that Eringer's employment status required resolution and accounts brought current. Albert did not respond to that letter. Instead, Albert did what Albert does best when confronted with an acrimonious situation: Hide out.
Remember when, years ago, the Prince and his lawyers argued that Jazmin Grace Grimaldi’s claim to be Albert’s daughter was completely false? And it turned out to be completely true?
The Prince and his lawyers have no credibility.