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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 7 Num. 49

("Quid coniuratio est?")


Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has been awarded "Newsmaker of the Year" by the National Newspaper Publishers Association. He spoke, at a dinner given in his honor by that association, on March 14, 1996. The speech was broadcast on C- Span that same day. The following are excerpts from his talk.

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[Farrakhan had recently returned from a trip to Africa and the Middle East.]


But we will not take guidance or instruction from those who bring the money. Our instructions have to come from our own effort and our instruction, our counsel. We do not need anybody outside of America to tell us what to do for our liberation. We cannot be agents of foreign power.

But if the foreign power wants to grant us money, that's fine. I mean, America didn't mind getting money from the king to finance debt in Nicaragua. I think -- wasn't it James Baker? Who went to Iran? Was he "cavorting"? [laughter] Of course not, because he was sent by an American president. What was he over there for!? He was over there [laughter], he was over there trading arms for hostages. I think I remember reading somewhere in the press that the hostages could have been released during the Carter administration. But they held those hostages, on a deal that was made, to be released in the Reagan presidency.

Talk to me, and tell me if I'm wrong. Somebody was 'round here "cavorting". [laughter]

And they were using money to take lives! Now they want us to stop receiving money to save lives.

Now I'll tell you what I said to Khadaffi. (And if they bring me before Congress, it'd be wonderful! I would love to tell everybody what was said.)

Here's our Dr. Ali, who I sent to Kenya. And he found a man named David Koych(?) who had a breakthrough in AIDS: Alpha Interferon. And we took the tablets from Kenya, and developed it into a liquid, by the grace of God. And what we said to Khadaffi is, "Mr. Khadaffi, guns is not the way. Guns is not the way." I said, "Brother Khadaffi, you could enhance your image if you would set up a pharmaceutical plant here, and use your oil money to mass-produce Alpha Interferon, since Africa is dying from the scourge of AIDS." And I said, "If you would develop innoculations..." (Because we can't trust the people that are innoculating our babies. We don't know what they're putting into our children. But if we had a source that we could rely on...) "If you would do that, your image could be cleaned up. And you would be, in history, as a humanitarian revolutionary rather than a man with a gun."

Did he agree? He agreed.

I believe -- now listen to this! Every one of these countries that America says are enemies, they can come in. Because they all want a relationship with America. But you know what the problem is? Economic, social, and political justice. If they get that, they're your friends. These are not enemies of the American people.

When we went to the Sudan -- that's not a country that's a threat to America. Stop it! If there's slavery there, we have to condemn it. We're children of slaves. But we're not gonna condemn it [based] on a newspaper report. Let's go and see.

We need our own fact-finding group of scholars that we can put money behind. You go and see whether there's slavery in Mauritania. And if it is, all of us will condemn it because slavery should exist nowhere on the earth! Isn't that right? Sure it is. But let's not be bamboozled (to use Malcolm's words) by media hype.

I want to go before the Black Caucus, if I can't go before Congress. I would rather speak to the members of the Caucus and give them the inside details of everything that we said and did, so that we will not allow them to alienate us from each other when we need each other so desperately in this critical time period.

And the last thing I want to say: I went to Iran. Iran definitely is against the state of Israel. No question about it. [laughter] Iran does not like America's government establishment. And I was there during their celebration and I'll tell you, I felt a little strange, you know, when I hear people chanting, you know? But I spoke to them, because I am a Muslim. And although I see myself coming out of a Christian tradition, and love my Christian upbringing... I could never be an enemy of Christians because I have accepted Islam. So I brought Christians with me, to show Christian-Muslim unity! Because that's the only thing that can save Africa, is the unity of Christians and Muslims and not Christian-Muslim antagonism.

In Iran, I spoke before 5 million Iranians. I mean, this is the audience. It was the largest gathering I ever spoke before. The American press said, "Tens of thousands." [laughter] Boy... Yeah but you should have counted the tens and tens and tens and tens of thousands. And I was the first, and only person, in the history of modern Iran, to be granted the opportunity to speak to the Iranian people on the occasion of the celebration of their revolution.

Now why do they trust me and not you? Because I have a track record of fighting for and in behalf of the oppressed. I am not a slave to America's foreign policy. And therefore, as a free man, they invited me to speak.

And in that context, I spoke to the whole nation of 63 million -- under sanctions -- and comforted them. As an American citizen, I'm speaking to those who are hurting because of what America's foreign policy says. And our words inspired them, comforted them. And they mobbed Farrakhan, like I was some rock star.

I talked to their theologians. I talked to their students of theology. I visited their holy cities. The security almost got destroyed, just trying to keep the people from me -- not to hurt me, they just wanted to touch me.

They wouldn't say this to you.

[Nelson] Mandela, the moral authority of the black world. You didn't want to show Mandela embracing Farrakhan. You didn't want to show Mandela welcoming Farrakhan. You lied to the American people, telling them that Mr. Mandela "lectured" me, "chastised" me. You're a liar.

How could a man that'd been in prison for 27 years "lecture" me on racism, and I'm the product of the suffering of people for 400 years, as he is? He told the press, "I spoke with Farrakhan for 45 minutes and there was no area in which we disagreed." They didn't say that to you! They took a picture of me moving a fly or some mosquito or something that was on my head, so they made me look "befuddled". [laughter] This is wicked, wicked, wicked, press! Wicked! The man came out of his house with his arms outstretched and said, "Louie!" And rushed into my arms and I rushed into his and we just stood there hugging each other in front of the world press. And the only picture that they could put before the world was me scratching my [forehead].

In Iran, they cried when we left. They took us to the border of Iraq, because we had to go overland. And here were Iraqis on one side, Iranians on another, with guns on both sides. And they were handing us over to the Iraqis. And they, with tears in their eyes, said "good-bye" to us. And the Iraqis hugged us, and then put us in buses and cars and took us straight-away to Bagdad.

We were only in Bagdad 27 hours. And we had a private meeting with Saddam Hussein for one hour, I think it was an hour-and-a- half. An hour-and-45-minutes. We met with the Ministry of Health. We met with the Ministry of Information. We spoke to the nation.

But the one thing that touched us most: we went to the children's hospital. And we saw the babies, who are suffering under sanctions. The World Health Organization knows this. The United Nations knows this. Over 560 thousand children have died in Iraq since the war. (Where are those pictures?)

[Shows enlarged photo] This is a mother holding her baby. This is a two-year-old child, that weighs 12 pounds. Malnutrition throughout Iraq. People dying on operating tables. And the people who are being operated on: they have no anesthesia. The beginning of the operation and the end are the most traumatic. Pulling teeth without anesthesia.

[ be continued...]

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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt. Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9